Daniel is a renowned photographer and an internationally famous musician playing with the hardcore band Raised Fist. He captures the unique local essence of the ever changing landscape around his home in northern Sweden and on his travels around the world. You can follow his journey at Cre8Photo.
Brand Identity
Design System
Concept Development
Retail Design
Packaging Design
Art Direction
Product Design
To me the only way to do great work is to love what you do
Work more, want more and give more. It is an easy and client engaging formula proven time and time again to deliver great work for all clients of Bahkka. More is what makes me push through when the odds are stacked against me. Evertime I've failed I have always stood up and wanted more.
More challenges has meant more determination. More obstacles has lead to more revolutionary solutions. More misses has lead to more engaging stories.
I will never give up in the search for better solutions. I always want more.
Fredrik Johansson
Owner & Design Director